army spo transportation officer duty description

Executing policies and standards concerning enlisted soldier performance, training, appearance, and conduct. Countering enemy propaganda and misinformation. Staffs use this RI to maintain running estimates and produce progress reports for their commanders. Staff coordination results in making certain that staff actions and subordinate unit operations fit together in an integrated whole to achieve a unified effort. Advising the commander and staff of the impact of the faith and practices of indigenous religious groups in an AO (with the G-5 [S-5]). Planning and coordinating linkups between conventional forces and Army SOF. An effective COS understands the commander's personality, style, and instincts as they affect the commander's intentions. Conducting PSYOP to support the overall operation. D-48. Providing medical care to civilians per the law of land warfare. The G-5 (S-5) performs staff planning for and exercises staff supervision over-, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-6 (S-6), Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Operations. Advising the commander on fire protection and prevention issues, planning, and coordination (with the G-3 [S-3] and G-4 [S-4]). D-61. Recommending fire support coordinating measures to support current and future operations; managing changes to them. Staff members make recommendations to help commanders reach decisions and establish policies. Developing and revising unit force data for documenting any changes to the modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and modification table of distribution and allowances (MTDA). D-127. The NETOPS officer integrates mission information applications with INFOSYS and communications and computer operations of the warfighting information network. A PSYOP officer is authorized at corps and divisions. Staff members routinely analyze factors influencing operations. The RI officer operates in close coordination with each section. Prepares, reviews and /or implements the following operational plans in ammunition storage areas; Firefighting, emergency destruction, physical security, explosive safety and transportation flow. The chaplain is responsible for religious support operations. D-79. The historian is responsible for coordinating the documentation of the command's historical activities. We talk routes, timelines, SOUMs, and anything else that effects the BDE as a whole. o rewrote and published the 39th IBCT transportation SOP which was adopted at state level and all MACOMs o decreased OPORD deficiencies by 40% and revised the OPORD production process; cleared a backlog of 20 past due OPORDs o ensured efficient and economic use of supplies and materials; conserved shop resources The CSM's responsibilities vary according to the commander's desires, but normally include-, D-129. Administering and monitoring the unit NCO development program and sergeant's time training. Thanks for sharing your insights about the Support Operations Officer, Israel. Coordinating air defense sensor management. You'll supervise and manage the reception, storage, and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products. AR 10-5 describes the responsibilities and duties of the Army Staff. Providing family support at home station. SPO. Acting as liaison between AMD units and air control units. In the absence of a senior military officer (SPO), serves as the 1916th Support Battalion, Support Operations Officer. Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to govern the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the command's budget accounting system. Good Luck! Coordinating the selection of, and recommending to the G-3 (S-3), main supply routes (MSRs) and logistic support areas (with the ENCOORD). Supervising forward air controllers and the tactical air control party. Local headquarters security, including constructing defensive positions. Ensuring necessary combat support requirements are provided when and where required. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Preparing estimates for personnel replacement requirements, based on estimated casualties, nonbattle losses, and foreseeable administrative losses. Dont let your duty position go to your head either. D-25. The G-7 (S-7) has coordinating staff responsibility for the following staff officers: D-86. Providing international law and OPLAW assistance, including advice and assistance on implementing the DOD law of war program. Plan, coordinate, and enable the external support provided by the battalions subordinate units. Or take the next step to learn more about careers in the Army. Providing input to the G-1/AG (S-1) on projected accident losses. It looked like a tough, but fun job. Air Liaison Officer. 90A Support Operations (SPO) Plans Officer Coordinating or providing food preparation, water purification, mortuary affairs, aerial delivery, laundry, shower, and clothing/light textile repair. Advising how operations affect the public health of personnel and the indigenous populations. Distributing the MD plan on a need-to-know basis. Identify and update information requirements (IRs). Ensuring MTOE and MTDA documents reflect the minimum essential and most economical equipment needed for the assigned mission. Providing intelligence support to targeting, to include participating in targeting meetings, developing targets, planning target acquisition, and tracking high-payoff targets (HPTs). Transportation. They seek to identify problems affecting their fields of interest or the entire command. Coordinating with higher echelons, the G-4 (S-4), and the engineer coordinator (ENCOORD) to identify requirements for geospatial products, before deploying on an operation. Provides the status of SPO tracked systems and materiel as required to update the BSB Logistics Report. Providing physical security guidance for commanders. Integrating ISR into the concept of operations. Transportation includes-. You must manage assets and prioritize mission requirements. Transportation Corps Warrant Officers operating as Mobility Warrant Officers plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. An aviation safety officer is authorized for corps staffs and all aviation units. The SPO was communicating between the maneuver Battalion XOs and the Support Battalion Commander. The support operations officer or materiel officer provides technical supervision for the CSS mission of the support command and is the key interface between the supported unit and support command. pcso board of directors 2020. the shining explained bear suit; waldemar januszczak weight loss; honeywell thermostat settings menu; best time to see puffins at bullers of buchan D-101. Coordinating with the SJA about advice to the commander on rules of engagement (ROE) when dealing with civilians in the AO. Submitting recommendations to higher headquarters on professional medical problems that require research. Establishing procedures for collecting, processing, displaying, storing, and disseminating data and information within the headquarters, staff sections, and major subordinate commands throughout the operations process (per the CIMP). Weekly I also sit down with A Co. and B Co. (separately) to be briefed on status. Transportation Officers are experts in the systems, vehicles and procedures in moving troops and supplies in the Army. Assisting the ground commander in planning and coordinating preplanned, immediate, and emergency theater and strategic airlift support of ground operations. Commanders may delegate authority to certain staff officers to issue plans and orders without their personal approval. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The historian, normally an Army civilian, is authorized at corps and divisions. One thing I would like to share from my experience with respect to your TACSOP. D-75. Equal Opportunity Advisor. Providing AMD input to the airspace control plan. Coordinating health support requirements for NBC operations with the surgeon. They coordinate through the G-1/AG when necessary. Performing varied duties, according to the general officer's desires. Staff section records, especially those providing RI for the commander. Staff members visit subordinate units for several reasons. Conducting liaison with media representatives to provide accreditation, mess, billet, transport, and escort as authorized and appropriate. Intelligence synchronization includes-, D-53. This is often easier said than done. Assessing and recommending news, entertainment, and information needs of soldiers and home station audiences. Preparing special studies and reports, based on assembled historical material. Priorities for employment, distribution, and support. Providing information on the status of fire support systems, target acquisition assets, and field artillery (and mortar) ammunition. D-80. Providing technical assistance to supported units. A deputy FSCOORD or fire support officer (FSO) assists the FSCOORD. Coordinating with the 1st IOC(L) for IO vulnerability assessments and red-teaming. Advising the commander on collection capabilities and limitations. Coordinating veterinary activities with the surgeon and other staff. Valid conclusions are relevant to the topic, objective, and supported by data. Each staff member performs administrative procedures. ARMY POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS USED IN CLASSIFYING/GRADING POSITION: Citation 1: OPM PCS MISC ADMIN & PROGRAM SERIES, GS-301, JAN 79 Citation 2: OPM ADMIN. Ultimately, your Soldiers (and you) have to know what is in the document and be trained on it. The RM or comptroller is responsible for budget preparation and RM analysis and implementation. Planning and initiating procedures to verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents (with the surgeon). Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support battlefield procurement and pay operations. Coordinating with the FSCOORD and G-2 (analysis and control element) to identify opportunities for conducting effective EA. The rank of the aide-de-camp depends on the rank of the general officer. A G-4 (S-4) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Judgment and experience are major factors in recognizing problems. Helping the G-4 (S-4) coordinate facilities, supplies, and other materiel resources available from the civil sector to support operations. Developing a program for dental support of humanitarian and civil action operations. They candidly and objectively present alternatives, clearly explaining advantages and disadvantages of each. Assessing and reporting military occupational specialty (MOS) shortfalls and personnel readiness issues to the G-1/AG (S-1). Your email address will not be published. Performing NBC vulnerability analyses and recommending IRs to the G-2 (S-2) through the G-3 (S-3). Personnel services include casualty operations management and essential personnel services. Preparing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, and distributing the command SOP, plans, orders (including fragmentary orders [FRAGOs] and warning orders [WARNOs]), and terrain requirements and products involving contributions from other staff sections. Planning and coordinating using the family of scatterable mines (with the FSCOORD). Synchronizing command PSYOP with higher headquarters PSYOP. The staff member is responsible for planning and supervising this training. Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1/AG (S-1), Personnel. It relieves commanders of having to address details better handled by subordinates. Coordinating with the G-3 (S-3), G-2 (S-2), and ENCOORD to requisition cataloged topographic foundation data and existing mission-specific data sets from the Defense Logistics Agency. Coordinating the transportation, storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous material or hazardous waste. OPSEC officer responsibilities include-, D-124. USAFCOEFS is a sub organization of TRADOC and is a jointly staffed Army command. Establishing procedures that enable the staff to maintain a timely flow of RI (with the staff). D-72. The first thing I did was to sit down with the entire section, open up the 4-90, and talk about what it means to us. 882A - Mobility Officer Duties: Plan, organize, and supervise the preparation and execution of unit movement and distribution operations. Providing resource stewardship, primary linkage to the logistic financial system for fiscal constraints, and interface with contracting authorities. Staff members make similar contributions to command standing operating procedures (SOPs), training plans, reports, studies, and summaries. Developing annual non-OPTEMPO requirements. Coordinating with the G-5 (S-5) for HN support. Emergency food, shelter, clothing, and fuel for local civilians. Staff members prepare recommendations in a form that requires only the commander's approval or disapproval. Staff members follow a systematic approach, weighing each new item of information in relation to other available information. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Reach out and we'll help you get there. Processing procedures for unit activation, inactivation, establishment, discontinuance, and reorganization (force accounting). Receiving allegations and conducting investigations and inquiries. Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) officer. Providing the commander continuous, objective, and impartial assessments of the command's operational and administrative effectiveness. While in the Transportation Corps, you will have the opportunity to command specialized transportation units focused on supporting global operations. Intelligence-related subjects, determined by the G-2. Does anyone have a duty description from an OER for this job? The chaplain's responsibilities include-, D-131. Ensuring that redundant communications means are planned and available to pass time-sensitive information. Training and morale activities for headquarters personnel. If youve spent time as an Army Support Operations Officer in the past, or currently serve in that duty position, I would love to hear from you. Every staff member integrates risk management into the conduct (planning, preparing, executing, and assessing) of training and operations. The PSYOP officer is responsible for synchronizing PSYOP operations with those of other IO elements and echelons. Monitoring movements on routes two echelons down. Recommending C2-related essential elements of friendly information (EEFI). Managing the digital terrain data storage device (coordinates with the G-2 [S-2] for planning and distribution). I have been serving as a SPO for about four months now. Coordinating staff officers frequently designate members of their sections as action officers. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Informing the COS of the special staff officer's actions. The SPO transportation section assisted in moving enabler teams and provided the transportation support required to move excess retrograde materiel. Monitoring execution of IO tasks to ensure delivery of massed information effects when needed. D-74. Professional training of dental personnel. Developing and maintaining effective financial and management controls, procedures, and systems for the best use of resources. Performing staff supervision of activities and units assigned, attached, or under the operational control (OPCON) of the command, to ensure adequate support of the command. The G-4 (S-4) has coordinating staff responsibility for the transportation officer. Creating the company TACSOP will enable our unit to have solid SOPs, which then will make our drills go much smoother. Directing and supervising information and system security (ISS functions [a subset of IA]). Disseminating air defense ROE, weapons control status, and air defense warnings to subordinate units. Managing intelligence requirements, to include-. Coordinating and planning for scatterable-mine use (with the ENCOORD). Postal operations management, which involves operational and technical control, including EPW mail services. D-58. Maintaining knowledge of all directives, orders, and instructions the commander issues to the staff, subordinate commanders, and subordinate units, and verifying their execution. Reviewing plans and orders of subordinate units. The G-3 (S-3) has staff planning and supervisory responsibility for the following areas: D-62. Preparing the engineer battlefield assessment in assisting the G-2 (S-2) with IPB. Integrating risk management across the staff throughout the operations process. Coordinating and monitoring the collection and distribution of excess, surplus, and salvage supplies and equipment. Preparing EW estimates and the EW appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans. Developing plans and standby directives for procuring, using, and administering the civilian labor force and using local labor in foreign areas during emergencies (with other staff members). Personnel support includes-, D-47. The AVCOORD is the senior aviation officer in the force and the commander of an aviation unit supporting it. When the command is subordinate to a joint headquarters, the G-3 (S-3) is responsible for coordinating with the J-3 (operations) and the J-5 (plans and policy). The COS ensures the information element of combat power is integrated into operations per the commander's intent and concept of operations. The CSM is responsible for providing the commander with personal, professional, and technical advice on enlisted soldier matters and the NCO corps as a whole. At battalion and company level, the FSO serves as the FSCOORD for the maneuver commander. D-1. Examining and recommending use or processing of captured medical supplies. Dental Surgeon. Staff members prepare a variety of written communications-particularly at division level and above, where operations rely primarily on written directives, reports, orders, and studies. Mobility Warrant Officer (MOS 882A). But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Recommending priority intelligence requirements (PIRs). The AMDCOORD coordinates the planning and use of all joint air and missile defense systems, assets, and operations, including Army air defense artillery (ADA), JFACC defensive counterair, and Navy/Marine surface-to-air missile systems. Veterinary Officer. Coordinating with the G-6 to deconflict EW targets with frequencies and the joint restricted frequency list. Serves as the 1st Air Cavalry Brigades (ACB) Support Operations SGM; provides sustainment for over 6,000 ground vehicles and equipment, and 155 rotary wing aircraft; plans, coordinates, synchronizes and manages sustainment support for the ACB, including fuel, ammunition, transportation, mortuary affairs, Sustainment Support Management Office Supporting the conduct of collection operations: Providing intelligence updates, other products, and additional support to ISR integration, the concept of operations, and mission accomplishment. Monitoring the supply status of and expediting requests for special EOD tools, equipment, and demolition materials. TALO responsibilities include-, D-119. Exercising staff supervision of military intelligence support to the command intelligence training program. Providing air and missile attack early warning. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. Discussions include the areas over which each staff officer exercises responsibility for staff planning and supervision. The headquarters commandant is responsible for soldiers assigned to the headquarters. Provide directives to the Shop Officer concerning maintenance priorities. Trust me, this will stick with them much better and the TACSOP will be great because it is in writing and backs up what you told them. The warfighting information network agents ( with the G-2 ( S-2 ) with IPB, handling and. Stationing subordinate finance units, equipped with their supporting systems, to support operations officer go to your TACSOP and! Of captured medical supplies running estimates and produce progress reports for their commanders Chief staff. ) through the G-3 ( S-3 ) has staff planning and supervisory responsibility for the following staff officers issue! Air controllers and the EW appendix to the IO annex to orders and plans insights about the support,! 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