tbc pvp spec rogue

Fleet Footed is a great talent for both PvE and PvP. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The timer is anywhere between 15 to 20 seconds to reset Your fundamental goals are always the same; if you run into a situation during your cycle where you would, for example, let Slice drop for a moment, you should ignore the cycle and refresh it immediately. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Master Poisoner is the weakest of the poison-enhancing talents in terms of PvE damage output. The value of the meta gem socket is determined by two factors. You have Combat Potency: add 10 DPS per 0.1 faster speed In addition, to help with cycles and energy pooling, you should also have timers for your buffs (Slice and Dice as well as various procs) and for debuffs on the target, preferably displaying precision to tenths of a second. Note that if you know the length of a fight beforehand, in particular for combat, and the number of Bloodlusts/Heroisms you will be receiving and when, you can sometimes plan better usage of your cooldowns. Dirty Tricks is a must-have talent for PvP combat. Rogues with T4 2pc should use 2s/5r or 3s/5r. If your hit rating EP weight is higher than your agility EP weight (typically for combat builds), then you should do this by using[Rigid Dawnstone]in yellow sockets and[Glinting Noble Topaz]in red sockets. Berserking/Cold Blood also have an unusual cooldown of 3 minutes; for these abilities, it is often best to use them together with your 2-minute cooldowns once at the start of the fight, and then to use them individually on cooldown. Best of all, they get to reset a lot of these skills thanks to There are two hit caps for rogues: the soft cap occurs when you can no longer miss a special attack, while the hard cap occurs when you can no longer miss a white attack. However, the spreadsheet recommendation also accommodates your exact gear and raid buffs, and therefore should be used over general guidelines such as these. Below are a list of Rogue Based on the 6-minute duration, you know that you can use Blade Flurry/Blood Fury/[Haste Potion]/[Drums of Battle]each three times, Berserking/Cold Blood/[Flame Cap]twice, and Adrenaline Rush/[Thistle Tea]twice. tri spec might be your best bet, it's a touch behind combat swords but it's the 2nd best pve damage spec (esp. As always, consult a spreadsheet to determine the trinkets exact value for you. There is great variance among Rogue PvP templates depending on whether they are used for battlegrounds, world PvP or arenas. Blade Flurry, Cold Blood, and Adrenaline Rush should be used as often as possible, along with any other offensive cooldowns you may have, including Blood Fury/Berserking/Arcane Torrent (making sure to Mana Tap as often as possible), trinkets, and for bosses,[Drums of Battle]and[Haste Potion]. A resto shaman dropping Windfury can substitute for the enhancement shaman, but the loss of Unleashed Rage is as great as losing either Windfury or Battle Shout. Blind. Subtlety excels at Provided your tanks threat is reasonably good, this will usually enable you to go the rest of the fight with no concerns, or at least until Vanish comes back off cooldown. extremely powerful against healers or casters when your Kick might Rogue Gear Spreadsheet Mutilate sucks in TBC, backstab sucks in 2.4.3 . Envenom is slightly superior to Eviscerate in terms of damage dealt, but will eat your Deadly Poison stack and therefore incurs a damage penalty that is usually not worth the slight damage increase of the ability itself. There is no such thing as a spec that works on both sides. +29 Agility > 29 * 2.23 =64.67 EP Frost Resistance is good for keeping Frost Mages off your back, but not much else. Camouflage gives two important benefits by increasing your speed while stealthed and decreasing the cooldlown of, Initiative is a great talent to allow you to get extra combo points most of the time when you initiate on an enemy. The exceptions to this rule stem largely from the stats on actual weapons. However, the caveat is that haste rating does not scale with itself, while it does scale up most other stats. If you are interested in learning what gear you should be going after to maximize Blind misses as it counts as a ranged attack. I only just dinged 70 and trying to gear up in any way i can. Deadly Throw is a very powerful ability. Deadened Nerves helps your survivability a little bit but point for point this is really not a very desirable talent. Raiding Hemo builds will be unable to take Improved Expose Armor, therefore it is not advisable to ask a Hemo rogue to perform the task of keeping Expose Armor up. Thus, exceeding the level 70-72 hit caps may be detrimental to your DPS output in these situations. The bulk of your damage comes from white swings as a Rogue. Five ranks of Precision is equivalent to 78.9 hit rating from equipment at level 70 which is quite a lot. Vitality isn't bad, but it is one of the weakest damage dealing talents in the Combat tree. Thus, it is not worthwhile for a human sword/mace rogue to equip the Shard together with any other expertise item and Weapon Expertise. pages to enhance your gameplay even further! In general, choose the flask for progression content and the elixir for farm content. With Look for Windfury Attack, Battle Shout, and Unleashed Rage if any of these three are missing, then the rogue is not getting the best buffs he can get for group DPS. Note that both spreadsheets recommend a theoretically sustainable cycle, which means that if you experience below-average proc frequency for a period of time, you may not be able to sustain Slice without deviating from the cycle. In this guide, we discover together the nuts and bolts of this specialization that is not as widespread as it should be. AGI and AP would be more beneficial than capping out HR (366 HR) with this spec. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. With very rare exceptions, you should only use your main combo point builder. Only calculate EP for the socket bonus if the piece has no blue sockets. However, melee groups incorporating a feral druid or ret paladin in addition to the shaman and DPS warrior are not entirely uncommon. It was incredibly strong because the damage was brutal with fairly good CC (mace spec) and mobility. If you are in combat, there is no reason to have any offensive ability off cooldown unless you know you would be fighting a boss before it cooled down. Rogues without T4 2pc should use 5s/5r. Envenom is therefore most often used when the target is a few seconds from death. If the raid has fewer than 3 paladins, then prioritize blessings in the order Salvation > Might > Kings. against ranged classes. For combat builds, the mandatory talents are Improved Slice and Dice, Blade Flurry, Weapon Expertise, Aggression, Adrenaline Rush, Combat Potency, and Surprise Attacks, as well as the appropriate weapon specialization(s). It will be impossible for a dagger rogue to simultaneously sustain 100% Slice uptime and 100% 5-CP Expose Armor uptime, therefore it is not recommended to ask a dagger rogue to perform this task. As mentioned above, the most critical contributions to rogue raid DPS are having an enhancement shaman and DPS warrior in your group and having someone debuffing the bosss armor. The Burning Crusade Classic. The following sample builds illustrate how each build might appear in actual use. Master of Subtlety increases your damage for a short time after coming out of stealth. In a raid, your buffs are your DPS. will be your most important offpiece as it will give you a small advantage in With slice and dice and AR up you have a 1.6sec attack speed with those gladiator maces and the stun procs had NO . team compositions which you can find below. The best thing is to get in a guild that raids every 2 weeks (day before reset, then day after reset) so you can be in Pvp spec for 2 weeks until you have to raid again. Mutilate falls roughly around the same level as combat daggers. To start with, for Surefooted to be as good as Dexterity, your EP value for hit rating must be 20% higher than that for agility. Leather armor target for a long time then consider using Engineering and Jewelcrafting. A slow Mainhand will result in harder-hitting You want a fast sword in your OH because sword spec extra swings can proc energy gains for you. Undead is the best race for PvP. The technique of intentionally allowing energy to accumulate without spending it is called energy pooling (also known as energy queuing) and has many applications. Unless the target is immune to poisons, or the rogue is Mutilate and has T5 4pc, Eviscerate should be a negligible source of damage. Typically this means that you can use your 3- or 5-minute cooldowns together with your 2-minute cooldowns twice: once near the start and once near the end. Thus, the prime concerns for a Mutilate off hand dagger are weapon DPS and stats. for diminishing returns as the server checks every 5 seconds to see if the last Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. something like Flask of Relentless Assault. Sprint may be activated any time you need to cross a significant distance to get back into melee range, thus reducing your time off the target and increasing your overall DPS. Our Classic Wrath of the Lich King Combat Rogue Class Guide is now live! Still on the Buffs & Debuffs breakdown, look at the various buffs provided to the rogue. This guide has been written by Nemo, an experienced Raid Leader from In general, these options are followed by[Berserkers Call]and[Tsunami Talisman]. As a fresh 70 back in the day I decided to go for the Merciless Swords as a quick way to grab some epic raiding weapons. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! It is also best to ask your shaman to cast Bloodlust/Heroism at a particular time when you can also use your haste-based and stat-based cooldowns. many Rogues will trinket on a Kidney Shot and open on you after. Beyond mere DPS optimization, if you know the encounter beforehand, you give yourself a leg up learning it in person. You will be losing some Dps abilities that will might not matter so much in shorter figths like dungeons or even kharazan, but in 25 man raids you will see the difference of not having surprise attacks or combat potency. Blade Twisting's slowing effect has very little use in PvE since it is not very reliable. This leaves the comparison of Cats Swiftness against the other two enchants. See the Buffs section above for more information. If you play a Sinister Strike-based rogues are best suited for the task of keeping Improved Expose Armor up; the cycle to use for this purpose is always 5s/5a. Your are very vulnerable. Vanishs primary use is as a threat wipe on all targets, and it should be used for this purpose on any fight where threat is an issue. +38 Stamina > 0 EP all-around amazing specialization for PvP in TBC Classic. Lightning Reflexes helps the rogue's survivability a little bit and is mostly taken as a filler talent to reach the lower tiers of the combat tree. Find Weakness is a powerful damage dealing talent that also creates interesting gameplay. > 17 * 1.78 =30.26 EP OH Weapon:Enchant Weapon Mongoose(see below) Thus, it takes ~15.77 expertise rating to reduce your chance to be dodged by 1%, the same conversion as for hit rating. More than one gain indicates that Slice dropped at some point during the fight. http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/rogue?0053201000000000000000053050020050150020000005002521002301010000000. Sno's TBC Guides Phase 1 Rogue Guides: Rogue P1 BIS Gear, Trinkets & Weapons Rogue P2 BIS Gear, Talents & Cheatsheet Rogue P1 Raid DPS & Expose Armor Guide - Gruul/Magtheridon/Karazhan TBC Rogue BIS Talents, Consumes, Rotation, Professions, Enchants & Gems How to get Gladiator - Rogue TBC PvP Guide (Part 1 - Gear, Macros, UI, Professions & F.A.Q) Poisons on your target. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. feel free to play around with some points, for instance if youre wanting to have better pvp openers you can drop the last 2 in combat (expertise) and grab dirty deeds, or whatever. out of a Cheap Shot but the Garrote will silence The exceptions to this are usually Thus, Dexterity is, for the most part, superior to Surefooted. Shiv is at its core one of the strongest abilities for a rogue costing less Energy on faster weapons as well as having a higher chance to proc world when it comes to PvP as a Subtlety Rogue. If the information is available to you, research the boss and find out what attacks it can use to kill you, and which ones other rogues recommend you to cloak. This is where spreadsheets come in handy. For trispec Hemo Deadliness builds, taking Blade Flurry is superior to taking a fifth point in Deadliness. a top-tier Arena class to being one of the strongest open-world PvP or Deadly Poison is generally not very great as First and foremost, if you are using a dagger in your main hand, you should also use a dagger in your off hand; otherwise, if you are specced combat, regardless of your main hand weapon type, you should seek a sword for your off hand. Always remember that any hit rating or expertise rating beyond the cap will have zero effect on your DPS. It also bears mentioning that Greater Agility (20 agility) is an inferior enchant, even on an off hand weapon. The arrondissement is one of the most densely populated urban districts . The Subtlety Rogue is one of the strongest specs in Arena throughout all of The Burning Crusade Classic. need to know to properly play a Rogue in all types of PvP Combat. Dagger/Mutilate builds and combat/surprise attack builds lack survivability in pvp. http://calculators.iradei.eu/talents/rogue?0053201000000000000000053050020050100000000005002521012301210400000. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Thus, you can take advantage of them by choosing the two blue sockets on your gear which you can match to obtain the highest total socket bonuses you would not otherwise have obtained. This is always the recommended way to evaluate prospective gear upgrades, as it will be as accurate as possible specifically for you. versacecat 2 yr. ago First, check the rogues Buffs & Debuffs breakdown and look for Slice and Dice. The theoretical ideal for Slice and Dice is to use it once at the start of the fight and then sustain it for the entire duration of the encounter. This much expertise is equivalent to 40 expertise rating on equipment - you don't want to miss these two talent points. TBC Classic Rogue PvP Viability Rogues are one of the most versatile and fun classes you can play in PvP for The Burning Crusade Classic. able to kite and "deadzone" many melee with proper usage of Crippling Poison. Rogue is to keep bleeds on your target if they can potentially This matters most typically for rogues with Combat Potency, as depending on the speed of your off hand weapon and your hit and expertise rating, you may need to use more or fewer CP on Slice to sustain it. Thus, for most builds the best use of Eviscerate is only when you have an excess of combo points with both Slice and Rupture already active. Both. The effect first diminishes by 50%, then 75%, then the Note that taking Dual Wield Specialization mandates also taking Precision. Assassination Rogue PvP, build 2. For example, on a 6-minute fight you should see three uses of Blade Flurry and/or Blood Fury, two uses of Berserking and/or Cold Blood, and two uses of Adrenaline Rush. Not to mention the increase in armor, however short lived. For almost all builds, the two stats for which you should gem are hit rating and agility. If you want to have the option for a stronger Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. For a Mutilate build, this enchant is obviously not worthwhile, as it does not stack with Fleet Footed. Here you will learn all Proper energy management means the difference between 100% Slice and Dice uptime and letting it drop for 2-3 seconds every cycle. If you never have more energy than the amount required to Sinister Strike or Backstab, then you are theoretically immune to capping your energy. If we are called Silent Shadows, that is for a good reason. The issue was those conditions are way harder for mutilate than swords (plus glaives are a thing). We can easily say that Shadowstep build is a top tier specialization to play, which also makes it extremely popular. Other specs will be suffering a big lack of mobility so they're pmuch not viable, at least for arenas. Dagger/Mutilate builds and combat/surprise attack builds lack survivability in pvp. Other abilities aside from the one for which you are specced will universally provide inferior damage per energy. Rogue is a stealthy class renowned for being filled with outlaws and betrayers. Equip: Improves hit rating by 22. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Slitheryn: Combat maces for PVP (due to resiliance) Combat Swords or Daggers for PVE (highest DPS) If you do not follow these guidelines, the DPS optimizations in the remainder of this article will be of little worth to you. Currently, the highest TBC Rogue DPS may be obtained through the combat tree specifically, through Sword Specialization and Combat Potency. On this section, our rogue veterans prepared the finest PvP guides, be it 1v1 situations, or arena strategies. Silent Shadows is the headquarter of every PvP Rogue playing on Classic TBC. AGI and AP would be more beneficial than capping out HR (366 HR) with this spec. playing a double Physical DPS composition in Arena or are sitting on a Cloth or Addons and Macros are powerful ways to really improve how you play as a Rogue Dirty Deeds helps your opening sequences to be much more powerful by making a significant reduction to the cost of your most used opening move, Hemorrhage is an exceptional damage dealing talent that gives you a combo point builder like none other. by providing you with more information and allowing you to potentially combine Weapons and Poisons 6. Adrenaline Rush provides an extra 100% energy regeneration for 15 seconds per use, or 150 energy. With Mangle present on the mob, the crit levels required for Eviscerate to surpass Rupture are unrealistic at best. 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